Ilya Kutuzov


Organic Geochemist and Earth Scientist


I am a multidsciplinary Earth scientist and geochemist with passion for combining experimental laboratory work with field work. My current research focuses on the formation of volatile organic sulfur compounds (VOSC) by abiotic synthesis. Better understanding the formation mechanisms of VOSC may provide insights for the emergance of life on Earth as some VOSC are considered a precursor for amino acids in the prebiotic Earth. Alongside my research, I teach geology courses at The Open University of Israel.

I am currently looking for a post-doc position! Please feel free to reach out to me if you are looking for a postdoc.


Research interests



Visit my Google Scholar page

When not in the lab

I volunteer at the Mineralogy and Petrology collection at the National Natural History Collections (NNHC) and take part in various cave surveys (for example in the Levana Cave) as a member of the Israeli Cave Research Center (ICRC)

Achievments and things I am proud of

Protecting the Ayalon cave

In late 2021 I was invited to speak at the Israeli Planning Administration (IPA) as part of a scientific panel focused on the importance of the Ayalon cave. My presentation highlighted the risks faced by the local aquifer due to introduction of organic-contaminants and changing of the aquifer redox state- both of which were expected to occur due to proposed construction of a railroad line. The joint scientific effort led to changes in the original construction plan and the formation of a long-term monitoring project at the cave and surrounding aquifer. Detailed story of this conservation campaign was publised in Integrative Conservation.

ayalon cave Photo by Boaz Langford

Identification of a pollutant on the Israeli coast (“Tar pollution”)

Our laboratory recieved samples of the “tar” that contaminated the Israeli coastline in February 2022. Within a few days I analyzed the contaminant and concluded it is most likely a crude oil rather than tar- therefore implying a different strategy for source-identification and treatment.
My report was submitted the the Israeli Ministry of Environment (and later to the press) who originally ignored it but after a year acknowledged the pollutant is indeed a crude oil.

Calcalist Photo from Calcalist

Study of an oil spill in arid condition

I was a part of a group that studied the chemistry of oil spilled at the Evrona Nature Reserve. Our joint effort led to identification of previously unknown pollution event at the area and helped understand the mechanisms of oil degredation in the desert soil under arid conditions. The work was published in Nimrod Arvatz’s Msc work.


Honors and awards



All standard data (location, depth etc…) is available when clicking each borehole. In addition, publications and reports of relevant wells are referenced therein.